NENC PBS network – Bring and Share event
10/12/2020 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 am
There will be a NENC PBS network bring and share event on the 10th Decemeber 2020 10:30-12:00. This will be facilitated over Microsoft Teams. Please contact us if you are interested in attending and we will forward you the information. For more information on what this event involves see below:
The aim of this bring and share event is to share good practice in PBS that is happening across the region. The NENC PBS Network aims to bring together all the great working happening in the region related to PBS, whilst listening and acting on areas needed to be developed in the region in relation to PBS.
Work being shared at this event:
¨ Fiona Kelly from Mencap—Staff wellbeing
¨ Anthony Birmingham from Pips – Case study