Cumbria Early Intervention Project Virtual Conference
- Contact: Melissa Sherring
We are holding 2 virtual conferences to share the learning and explore next steps from the Cumbria EarlyIntervention & Prevention Pilot Project. We will share all that has happened from the initial conference where the idea was born right up to this conference where we can tell you what we have learned.
The conferences are for parents, family carers and professionals from across education, social care, health and community & voluntary sector. We will explore what needs to be in place to enable this approach be sustainable across Cumbria but also what we need to do to scale it for the North East and beyond to improve the lives of children & young people with learning disability and/or autism and their families.
The conferences are the same and will take place on 6th October 10:00 – 12:30 and 18:30 – 21:00 to accommodate everyone but particularly parents at a time that suits them best. The conferences will be delivered via Zoom. To book your place please use these booking links:
6th October 10:00 – 12:30
6th October 6:30 – 9pm