Family carer co-delivery PBS workshops

The PBSNEC and Skills for people have worked together to develop and deliver PBS workshops as part of a pilot. A range of PBS workshops has been co-developed and co-delivered with family carers and PBS practitioners across the North East and North Cumbria.

The workshops are aimed at family carers of children and young people with a learning disability and/or Autism.

This model has proved to be highly effective and efficient at delivering much-needed information to family carers of children and young people across the region. The workshops have received positive feedback from those who have attended.

Recently further funding has been sourced as part of the new care models, which will enable further workshops to be offered around the region.

Currently, the workshops are being adapted to be delivered remotely, due to current circumstances. This will enable 3 days of 2.5 hours sessions to be delivered across a number of weeks, to ensure this works for families of children and young people.

The workshops introduce family carers to what PBS is, including understanding your child’s behaviour and developing strategies to support their children.

Report on a qualitative evaluation of Positive Behavioural support Workshops for Families

PBS family workshop evaluation_FINAL

PBS North-East and Cumbria (PBCNEC) and Skills for People collaborated to produce PBS workshops which were offered to families as part of the North-East and North Cumbria PBS strategic approach. These workshops were originally co-produced by a PBS specialist from the North East and Cumbria and people with lived experience from Skills for People(see for more information) and were designed for families caring for a child/young person with a learning disability and/or autism. The aims of the workshops were to help families increase their knowledge about PBS, help them to use PBS principles to better understand their child’s behaviour and to develop more effective support strategies.This paper reports on the results of an independent qualitative evaluation of the workshops.

Find out more information in this video:

Stay tuned for more information on upcoming courses.